Church - 22430 Michigan Avenue Dearborn, MI 48124 313-278-5555
School - 22513 Garrison Dearborn, MI 48124 313-561-9192
An essential criterion for admission is the informed acceptance by the student and parents of the fact that the school is Catholic in philosophy and practice. All students must participate in the religious education courses offered for their grade level, participate in the worshiping community while in school, and agree to act in a manner consistent with Catholic values. Parents/guardians are expected to cooperate with all administrative and educational policies of the school. Parents/guardians who do not fully cooperate and/or who are disruptive in their actions may be asked to withdraw their children from school.
Sacred Heart Catholic School respects the dignity of all students. It does not discriminate on the basis of race, nationality, ethnic origin or sex, as required by the terms of title IX of the Education Act of 1972, Public Law 92-318 (as amended by Public Law 93-568).
Registrations will be accepted through February 5th, 2016, at which time applicants will be accepted in the following order, space permitting:
Acceptance letters will go out the week of February 8th, 2016. The contract will accompany the acceptance letter.
Those who register after February 5, 2016 are accepted on a first come, first served basis.
A non-refundable registration fee is due at the time of registration. This registration fee is necessary to ensure a place for the following year. A family with an unpaid tuition balance or any other school related fees (such as, but not limited to: late fees, insufficient fund fees, Legacy Raffle tickets, PPP hours, etc.) for the current year may not register for the following year until tuition for the current year is paid in full, unless special arrangements have been made in writing and signed by the school’s principal. Students may be placed on a wait-list if registration is not paid by February 5, 2016.
Wait-listed students will be notified and granted enrollment as space permits.
Class sizes: Preschool will not have more than 20 students per day attend. K-3 will be capped at 25 and grades 4-8 will be capped at 30, unless approved by both the principal and pastor. The number of class room determination is based on completed registration and school budget. The decision to open an additional classroom rests with the Parish Finance Council, in conjunction with the principal and pastor, after thoughtful consideration of all the relevant factors.
We are happy to maintain your child on the wait-list or to return your registration fee.
In order to ensure your child’s admission, your signed contract along with the first payment must be received by April 20, 2016.
In order to ensure student’s success, an admissions test in math and reading may be administered to new students entering grades 1 through 8 prior to acceptance. Acceptance of all new students will not be made final until all school records are received and verified.
Students with disabilities will be evaluated for admission on an individual basis. Admission will be based upon the student’s needs and the school’s ability to accommodate those needs. The final decision will be made by the principal and pastor. All new students will be on probation academically and behaviorally for the first quarter.
Children admitted to Sacred Heart Catholic School kindergarten must be five years old by September 1st. The enrolling kindergartner must take the kindergarten Readiness Test administered in the spring of the enrolling year. Children admitted to first grade must be 6 by September 1st. There will be NO exceptions to this policy.
All students shall comply with State of Michigan required Immunization and Health laws prior to admission. "A child enrolling in a public or non-public school for the first time shall submit either a statement signed by a physician that the specified child has been immunized for and guarded against diseases specified by the Department of Public Health; or a statement signed by a parent or guardian that a child has not been immunized because a religious or other objection; or a request signed by a parent or guardian that the local health department gave the needed protective injections." (MCL 340.376)
Proof that immunizations are current must be available when the student enters school. Failure to comply with this directive will result in exclusion from classes. Parents must keep the office informed of all updated immunizations.