Church - 22430 Michigan Avenue Dearborn, MI 48124 313-278-5555
School - 22513 Garrison Dearborn, MI 48124 313-561-9192
Report Cards
The school year is divided into two semesters; each semester into two quarters. Progress is evaluated at the end of each quarter. The report card envelope, for the first three quarters, is to be signed by a parent or guardian and returned to school promptly. The June report card is given to the student on the last day of school if all fines, fees, and tuition are paid in full.
Sacred Heart uses PowerSchool, an on-line grade book tool to facilitate communication with parents on student progress. Grades are updated weekly and parents are encouraged to go online to see their child's progress. Parents are should contact their child's teacher if they have any questions about their child's grades. Additionally, in order to keep parents informed of student progress, tests may be sent home periodically for a parent signature. If their child's conduct is a 3 or lower the teacher will notify the parents.
Sacred Heart uses the standardized recommended grading scale from the Archdiocese of Detroit for Grades 3-8.
93-100% | An excellent knowledge of the subject; Completeness and thoroughness in daily assignments; Voluntary participation in class; Exemplary attention during class period. |
A = 100-95% A- = 94-93% |
83-92% | Good knowledge of subject matter; More than average preparation of daily assignments; Willingness to participate in class discussion; Above average attention during class period. |
B+ = 91-92% B = 90-87% B- = 86-85% |
74-84% | Average knowledge of subject matter; Unwilling to do extra work on assignments; Participation in class discussion when called upon; Ordinary attention in class. |
C+ = 84-83% C = 82-76% C- = 75-74% |
65-73% | Completion of only minimum requirements; Incomplete and/or low quality assignments; Little participation in class; Lack of interest in class. |
D+ = 73-72% D = 71-68% D- = 76-65% |
0-64% | Inadequate knowledge of subject matter; Irregularity and incompleteness of daily assignments; Little or no participation in class discussion; Little or no interest in class. |
F |
1 | Role model students Student follows classroom and school rules at all times. |
Outstanding |
2 | Student follows classroom and and school rules. Needs to be redirected on occasion (less than 3 times a week) by teacher |
Satisfactory |
3 | Student struggles with following classroom and school rules. Disrespectful and defiant. Student has met with administrator or counselor. Teacher has spoken with parents about behavior more than twice. Student is on a Shamrock success plan |
Needs Improvement |
Honor Roll
Honor roll is established each quarter naming those students in grades five through eight who have demonstrated academic excellence, together with consistent effort and good conduct. Academic and Citizenship Honors are posted at the end of each quarter. At the end of the year, students will be recognized for each quarter they have received academic and citizenship honors at a special assembly.
The following criteria will be used:
Academic Honor Roll: A's and B's in all classes, including homeroom, and 1's and 2's in behavior.
Citizenship Honor Roll: Ones or Twos must be carried in citizenship for ALL classes and homeroom. No grades can be lower than a C.